Top Violinist

Bringing a touch of elegance
to your events
About Paul

Violinist from Romania

著名な音楽家一族出身のポール・フロレアは生まれてからずっと音楽に触れてきました。5歳からルーマニアのバイオリンの巨匠ミルセア・コンスタンティネスクのもとでバイオリンを学び始め、14歳になるとレギュラーのバイオリニストとして全国放送に出演します。20歳になると国立オーケストラ・ラジオとジョルジェ・エネスク交響楽団に参加。 2年後には第一バイオリニストとなり、Ansamblul Armateiで指揮者としても活躍し、ルーマニアでもっとも尊敬されるバイオリニストの一人となりました。彼は20年以上に渡って国際的に活躍し、世界有数のホテルで演奏し、子供から政治家、そして王族と言う多様なオーディエンスを魅了してきました。魅惑的な ジプシー音楽から、クラシック音楽、オペラ、ジャズ、ポップ、ヒットソング、アニメ音楽、映画音楽、日本音楽まで精通しているポールは、リクエストに応じ てどんなジャンルの音楽


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Django Jam`z

Best selection of favorite Django/DJ music brings to the audience a rare music style in Tokyo .

Jazzy Love

A classical Jazz style, bringing a sense of elegance of excitement through tailored music from top artists 

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Gypsy Jazzy style in an original international concept , gipsies around the world


Excellent Feedbacks

Laurent Faivre​
Laurent Faivre​

CEO,Pieroth KK Japan​

A big thank you to you and your team (musicians, singers) on your fantastic work for the past 10 years!

On behalf of Pieroth Japan I would like to thank everyone for your help in making all our events (opening of our World Wine Bars, Ladies and Gentlemen in Wine Gala dinner, Pieroth Honor Day…) a great success and so entertaining for our customers.

It really makes a difference to work with professional people who know what they are doing especially when they are doing things with a lot of professionalism.




Janica Southwick​
Janica Southwick​

​Luxita Salon

I fell in love with Paul’s music when I first heard him play. It was as if I was hypnotized by the music. I felt I was watching a living Vivaldi or other musical legend, up close. What really struck me, was his skill and talent to play the most intricate and beautiful music, without the traditional stiff violinist style. When Paul plays, his fingers move so smoothly, so quickly, like a hummingbird on the strings.

Yet, he engages himself with the crowd and has this amazing aura that often brings tears to the audience’s eyes. His music is like nothing you will ever experience. I believe he is the top violinist in the world. I have brought professional musicians and industry specialists to hear him play and everyone is always extremely impressed. His music is the type to fill Carnegie Hall. But, with Paul’s genuine love for the violin, he does not limit himself to large concert halls. He is humble to play for a small crowd one evening, and then fill a concert hall with thousands, the next. He loves sharing his music and playing to the hearts and souls of those who listen, as if he is playing through God. Anyone lucky enough to hear him play, will never forget the music and the man who plays it.

T.E.A.M.株式会社 – ポール・フロレアは、数多くのラグジュアリー・ブランドの顧客の皆様をご招待するイベントを主宰するSOZOにとって最高のパートナーです。

Jonathan Harlow
Jonathan Harlow

CEO, Sozo Japan​

T.E.A.M. Co.Ltd – Paul Florea is a great partner for SOZO’s events on behalf of numerous luxury brand customers.His flexibility, professional can-do attitude, wide repertoire spanning many musical genres, and extraordinary talent as a violinist and ensemble arranger make him my first choice when planning live music for my customers’ guests.​

T.E.A.M.株式会社 – ポール・フロレアは、数多くのラグジュアリー・ブランドの顧客の皆様をご招待するイベントを主宰するSOZOにとって最高のパートナーです。

T.E.A.M.株式会社 – ポール・フロレアは、数多くのラグジュアリー・ブランドの顧客の皆様をご招待するイベントを主宰するSOZOにとって最高のパートナーです。

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Paul Florea – T.E.A.M.

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